Concentration, Creativity, Self-Love, Love, Confidence
Green Apatite (7mm), Frosted Clear Quartz (8mm), Butterfly Charm
Green Apatite:
- Acts as an eliminator of toxins and stagnant energy
- Motivates hard work toward financial goals
- Overcomes concentration issues
- Fosters creativity and offers fresh insights
- Improves problem-solving abilities
- Neutralises negative feelings and promotes emotional healing
- Increases self-love and self-image
- Balances emotions and fosters unconditional love
- Provides comfort during stress or loneliness
- Reassures during love challenges
- Promotes love, harmony, and warmth feelings
- Encourages letting go of harmful relationships
- Enhances communication and self-expression
- Bridges emotional distance in relationships
- Dissolves feelings of aloofness
- Encourages acceptance of love
- Promotes openness and confidence
- Fosters self-acceptance and self-awareness
- Strengthens bond with significant others
Frosted Clear Quartz:
- Clears the mind and enhances spiritual receptiveness.
- Amplifies healing vibrations of other crystals.
- Aids concentration, memory, and reduces stress.
- Facilitates communication and energy flow.
- Enhances awareness and personal growth.
- Symbolizes new beginnings and fresh energies.
- Improves perceptions and energy levels.
- Increases patience and perseverance.
- Attracts abundance in various forms.
- Amplifies intentions for manifesting with the universe.
- Helps find purpose and live in harmony.
- Breaks cycles and promotes open-mindedness.
- Smoothes challenges when feeling suffocated or out of control.
- Speeds healing from stress and strife.
- Strengthens psychic and emotional resilience.
- Clears the mind of self-criticisms and doubts.
- Combats lack of motivation and emotional exhaustion.
- Aids in healing relationships with others.
- Protects against negative energies and disrespect.