Psychic, Intuition, Passion, Protection, Financial Success, Love
Tiffany (8mm), Amethyst (8mm), Frosted Clear Quartz (10mm)
- Assists in developing psychic abilities.
- It enhances dream and psychic visions and strengthens channeling.
- Unlocks telepathy and clairvoyance.
- Attracts prosperity and abundance, particularly in financial endeavors.
- Stimulates new ideas and concepts for financial success.
- Encourages letting go of the old to make space for the new.
- Helps business owners make strategic decisions.
- Moves stalled businesses forward.
- Facilitates decluttering for increased productivity.
- Promotes passion and heart healing.
- Guides emotional release.
- Improves communication in relationships.
- Brings positive transformation to individuals and relationships.
- Provides emotional balance.
- Instills unconditional love and emotional strength.
- Encourages devotion to a loved one.
- Known as the "Purple Passion," it enhances intimacy.
- Protects against psychic attacks.
- Facilitates clear decision-making.
- Shields against negative energies.
- Enhances communication skills.
- Encourages empathy and active listening.
- Assists in overcoming addictions.
- Supports personal wealth and business growth.
- Fosters creativity and innovative ideas.
- Promotes clear thinking and foresight.
- Facilitates understanding of personal needs in relationships.
- Breaks down emotional barriers and releases fears.
- Revitalizes relationships by reigniting passion.
- Provides healing from heartbreak.
Frosted Clear Quartz:
- Clears negativity, enhances spiritual receptiveness.
- Amplifies healing vibrations of other crystals.
- Aids concentration, memory, and stress reduction.
- Facilitates communication and energy flow.
- Enhances personal awareness and growth.
- Symbolizes new beginnings and fresh energy.
- Increases energy levels and thought processes.
- Promotes patience, perseverance, and harmony.
- Attracts abundance and supports manifestation.
- Aids in purpose-finding and self-protection.
- Enhances mental clarity and open-mindedness.
- It helps in overcoming self-criticism and anxieties.
- Combats lack of motivation and emotional exhaustion.
- Facilitates healing in relationships and protects from negative energies.
- Supports physical healing and the immune system.
- Helps with migraine headaches and vertigo.
- Improves metabolism and aids in weight loss.
- Assists in detoxification and digestive health.
- Relieves pain from injuries and reduces blistering.