Wisdom, Healing, Stress Relief, Love, Joy, Fortune
Faceted Topaz (5mm), Blue Chalcedony (6mm), Frosted Clear Quartz (8mm)
Faceted Blue Topaz:
- Enhance forgiveness and truth, and brings joy, abundance, generosity, and good health
- Gemstone of love, affection, and good fortune
- Releases the tensions in your body, heart, and mind
- Promote honesty, openness, self-control, and self-realization
- Helps with problem solving and with expressing your thoughts and emotions
- Helps with your communication and verbalization
- Help you recognize truths and wisdom
- Helps you understand your life, your greatest wish, and your strongest desire
- Make you see what you have accomplished in your life, and the goals that you are yet to achieve
- Helps get rid of your sadness and fight off mood swings
- Provide your body and mind with sensations of peace and relaxation
- Balance your emotions and assists emotional healing from shock or trauma
- Beneficial for tension or stress
- Lauded for its ability to attune to your higher self
- Encourage you to live according to your own terms, views, and aspirations instead of living your life to please or impress others
- Show you how you can love and nurture yourself
- Alleviates fears in love and relationships
- Gives you access to your creativity and increases your appreciation for all your gifts and talents
- Known to motivate and inspire
- Bring you protection from all kinds of negativity, and it will infuse you with inner strength and mental fortitude to overcome all your challenges
- Imbue you with virtues of leadership, honesty, and integrity
- Brings wealth and abundance - carries energies of good fortune, and it will bring you successful attainment of goals
- Fill you with confidence, creative problem-solving, self-control, and honesty
- You will also become more open, disciplined, and willing to learn so that you will develop your inner wisdom
Blue Chalcedony:
- Enhances goodwill and stability among people
- Encourages peace, empathy, and understanding
- Instils benevolence and generosity
- Enhances receptivity to new solutions and promotes new ways of thinking
- Inspires us to use imaginations and insights when we wish to start new projects and helps the brain to assimilate new information quickly
- Facilitate learning a new language, improve memory, enhance listening and speaking skills
- Emotional honesty and healing
- Open different channels for better communication, helps you positively speak your feelings
- Inspires you to be more generous, kind, and friendly and to perform good deeds
- Boosts creativity, imparts mental flexibility and improves verbal dexterity
- Supports you in improving the way you see yourself and increase your level of optimism
- Enhances intuition and self-control
- Also absorbs negative energies and releases mental stress
- Keep balance and harmony in life and combats depression and mental exhaustion
- Grounding and protective stone that will guard you against negative influences
- Revitalize low levels of energy, and helps you focus on positives
- Helps those who suffer from fear, panic, or anxiety