Please note that Muscovite CANNOT be washed in water.
Courage, Protection, Mental Clarity, Intellect
Muscovite (8mm), Frosted Clear Quartz (8mm)
Muscovite (8mm):
- Gives us the courage to make difficult decisions
- Protects us from psychic attacks and negativity
- Detach negative psychic cords
- Enhances telepathy, clairvoyance, and astral travel and allows us to be receptive to the messages of our spirit guides and guardian angels
- Powerful crystal for the mind
- Promotes clarity of thinking, problem-solving, and deep synthesis of complex information
- Helps critical thinking
- Recommended for teachers, students, business owners, artists, activists, leaders, etc
- Encourages quick thinking
- Ease headaches, dizziness, vertigo, and sleep problems
- Mostly used to support mental distress associated with major and/or chronic physical problems
- Good for anything to do with the brain
- It is believed to help with allergies, and blood sugar levels and to support the pancreas and kidneys
- Help us find our most appropriate and healthy weight
- Adds vitality to our physical appearance