Psychic, Creativity, Intuition, Passion, Sexuality, Prosperity, Abundance, Success
Rainbow Moonstone Heart Stainless Steel Chain Bracelet
- Stone of new beginnings
- Creativity and intuition charm
- Cleanses the mind of negative emotions
- Aid in releasing frustration and evokes patience
- Calms over-reactions to situations and emotional triggers
- Restores emotional balance, good for cleansing negativity
- Stone of reflection - tool for self-observation and self-improvement
- Teaches you value of working with divine timing
- Powerful stone for psychic awareness and intuition
- Heals mood swings during menstrual cycles
- Balances hormones and provide support during hormonal changes (i.e. puberty or menopause)
- Believed to relieve pain during childbirth
- Assists women in all joys of womanhood
- Good for greater love, intimacy, fertility or closeness
- Crystal for unrequited love to reunite lovers who parted from anger
- Gem for passion and sexuality as it awakens couple’s eroticism
- Helps you open your heart and accept love, excellent stone for new or first love
- Helps you excel in your chosen field by adding more enthusiasm to what you are doing
- Helps you communicate efficiently, creating more impact
- Attracts good vibrations that should increase level of prosperity and abundance
- Can be used to find strategies for making money and success