Creativity, Intuition, Love, Luck, Wealth, Anxiety Relief, Success
Rainbow Moonstone Heart (10mm), Rose Quartz Heart (12mm), Pearl (7mm)
Rose Quartz:
- Love stone and a success stone
- Attracts luck - especially if you are looking for something with monetary returns
- Good luck charm for making and keeping of wealth and abundance
- Excellent stone to have when you are starting a new business/project
- Tip: Make sure that you have it with you when you are going for a job interview, signing a deal, making a presentation, etc
- Makes you receptive to success and prosperity by balancing and revitalising your energies
- Supports you if you are grieving, or feeling emotional pain or trauma
- Supports those with low self esteem, self worth, depression, anxiety or insomnia
- Good for females who suffer hormonal disturbances
- Supports the bond between mothers and their newborn babies
- Has very strong intuitive energies
- Discourages drama in your relationships, eases emotions
- Inspires inner peace, emotional growth and spiritual enlightenment
- Strengthens your sense of self love and self esteem
- Restore the peace, harmony, and trust in all relationships
- Keeps bad energies like jealousy, insecurity, fear, and gossip away
Rainbow Moonstone:
- Stone of new beginnings and creativity and intuition charm
- Cleanses the mind of negative emotions & evokes patience
- Calms over-reactions to situations and emotional triggers
- Restores emotional balance, good for cleansing negativity and frustrations
- Stone of reflection - tool for self-observation and self-improvement
- Teaches you value of working with divine timing
- Powerful stone for psychic awareness and intuition
- Heals mood swings during menstrual cycles
- Balances hormones and provide support during hormonal changes (i.e. puberty or menopause)
- Assists women in womanhood - believed to relieve pain during childbirth
- Good for greater love, intimacy, fertility or closeness
- Crystal for unrequited love to reunite lovers who parted from anger
- Gem for passion and sexuality as it awakens couple’s eroticism
- Open your heart and accept love, excellent stone for new or first love
- Excel in chosen field by adding more enthusiasm to what you are doing
- Helps you communicate efficiently, creating more impact
- Attracts good vibrations that should increase level of prosperity and abundance
- Can be used to find strategies for making money and success
- Attracts luck, wealth, and prosperity.
- Brings energies of abundance and success.
- Enhances business acumen and practicality in financial decisions.
- Attracts success, fortune, and fame.
- Strengthens existing love and attracts new love.
- Improves communication and treatment in relationships.
- Promotes truth, honesty, and modesty.
- Creates balance and harmony in emotions.
- Enhances feelings of goodwill and positivity.
- Provides emotional shelter and stability.
- Helps see positive aspects of self, partner, and relationship.
- Promotes dependability, faithfulness, and trust.
- Carries a feminine vibration connected to the Moon.
- Helps with emotional balance during menstrual cycles.
- Brings proportion to overwhelming situations.
- Soothes emotions during grief and loss.