Creativity, Communication, Stress Relief, Healing, Empowerment
Blue Chalcedony (9mm), Larimar (9mm), Aquamarine (10mm)
Blue Chalcedony:
- Enhances goodwill and stability among people
- Encourages peace, empathy, and understanding
- Instils benevolence and generosity
- Enhances receptivity to new solutions and promotes new ways of thinking
- Inspires us to use imaginations and insights when we wish to start new projects and helps the brain to assimilate new information quickly
- Facilitate learning a new language, improve memory, enhance listening and speaking skills
- Emotional honesty and healing
- Open different channels for better communication, helps you positively speak your feelings
- Inspires you to be more generous, kind, and friendly and to perform good deeds
- Boosts creativity, imparts mental flexibility and improves verbal dexterity
- Supports you in improving the way you see yourself and increase your level of optimism
- Enhances intuition and self-control
- Also absorbs negative energies and releases mental stress
- Keep balance and harmony in life and combats depression and mental exhaustion
- Grounding and protective stone that will guard you against negative influences
- Revitalize low levels of energy, and helps you focus on positives
- Helps those who suffer from fear, panic, or anxiety
- Assists in identifying self-imposed limitations and self-sabotaging behaviour
- Encourages taking control of one’s life
- Powerful emotional cleanser and healer, especially for phobias, panic attacks, stress-related imbalances, and excessive anger or fear
- Breaks down walls around the heart and allows emotional release
- Assist in healthily communicating emotions and boundaries
- Teaches respect, love, and nurture
- Excellent crystal for healers and caregivers
- Connected to goddess energies of sea and sky, this crystal helps women to re-attune to their innate femininity and restore their connection with nature
- Emanates vivaciousness, humor, and a sense of one’s own power
- Helps women to call upon the goddess within to fully manifest their highest purpose in life
- Assist men in connecting with their feminine, intuitive, and receptive natures
- Stone for earth healing represents peace and clarity
- Emits energy of healing and love
- Communication and interactions will be purified by calming and communicative energies
- Prevents interactions from slipping into toxic emotional patterns
- Promotes constructive and productive communication
- Promotes calm and rest
- Help you uncover deeper truth, especially your traumas
- Powerful for cleansing emotions and opening communication
- It will ward off old traumas, help you move forward without fear
- Associated with honesty, communication, compassion, self-empowerment, and intuition
- Helps you understand and resolve your own issues, repel all barriers, and heal your spirit
- Provide needed support in dealing with people and different problems
- Gives you courage during hard times, and helps with the manifestation
- Most powerful crystal for cleansing and activation crystals for chakras
- Helps balance excessive anger or fear, clears past emotional, physical, or verbal abuse
- Useful for moving through transition and change
- Cleansing energy removes resistance and helps one overcome the fear of unknown
- Helps release emotional baggage and dispels emotional numbness
- Helps you relax, increases happiness, and brightens aura
- Positive effect on attitude towards people